Month: May 2021

Insider threats: Not as uncommon as you think

Insider threats: Not as uncommon as you think

When we speak of cybercrime and data theft, we typically think of seasoned cybercriminals. But you’d be surprised to know that the cause of businesses becoming victims of cybercrime is most often their own employees–sometimes on purpose, sometimes inadvertently. Remember Bob from accounting who was let go? Or the new intern who worked for 3 […]

Gaining a competitive edge during the pandemic

Gaining a competitive edge during the pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has been tough on everyone. The lockdowns, the need to follow social distancing–though indispensable–have been tough on individuals and also resulted in a lot of revenue loss to businesses. For SMBs though, this time has been particularly difficult, with a general downturn in the economy and the job losses, which has been […]

Canuel Caterers

Canuel Caterers Canuel Logo

Canuel Caterers was started 27 years ago by two entrepreneurial brothers with the ambitions of starting up a company that would rival other large, multi-national food service providers in Canada. Canuel has 45+ school accounts combined in the Lower Mainland and the Interior of British Columbia in addition to multiple corporate accounts. Supported by a […]

Best practices for remote desktop access

Best practices for remote desktop access

Remote desktop access is an essential in these days when businesses are expected to be responsive to their clients almost 24/7. Moreover, there has been a surge in the remote desktop access practice with coronavirus pandemic. But, did you know that remote desktop access, while almost indispensable now, can threaten your network security? In this […]

Five reasons to invest in a password management system ASAP

Five reasons to invest in a password management system ASAP

Password management tools are software programs that put up enough security and safety mechanisms in place to ensure there’s no password breach. Your employees can use the program to generate random, high-security passwords as per the industry best practices. They don’t have to worry about remembering them either, because these tools have built-in mechanisms to […]

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