John Yensen

VoIP is a tool, UC is a business strategy

VoIP is a tool, UC is a business strategy

VoIP is a fantastic innovation that increases communication flexibility compared to the standard PBX, and it saves money. But UC is a whole new level of communications beyond VoIP, allowing your employees to use a single platform to communicate across multiple modes, on multiple devices, from multiple locations. Employees can also change from one to […]

Why is VoIP the new standard for office telephony?

Why is VoIP the new standard for office telephony?

In the office and commercial environment, in-house Private Branch Exchanges (PBX) were on-site internal telephony systems that switched calls to individual users’ desks. A PBX allowed additional features such as 3-way calling and conferencing, and eliminated the need to lease a separate line for every single telephone in the office; since every line is never […]

VoIP: What is it?

VoIP: What is it?

Wondering about the latest communication models out there for businesses? Two communications tools you may have heard of are Voice over Internet Protocol ( VoIP) and Unified Communications (UC). Sometimes the terms are used interchangeably, but that really isn’t correct. This blog will get you started on the fundamentals of what VoIP is all about. […]

Three Infrastructure tools to protect your business.

Three Infrastructure tools to protect your business.

Here are three infrastructure tools that you should consider to protect your business. Uninterruptible power supplies In the event of a power outage, will you lose data access? UPS systems are available to help keep your business operational in the event of a power outage. These solutions can run from very simple systems to enormous […]

Two quick ways to protect your data

Two quick ways to protect your data

Looking for a few ways to quickly protect your data and IT infrastructure from cyber criminals? Here are two great places to start. The first is so obvious that almost everyone overlooks it, especially in smaller companies where there is little time for proactive training on any topic. Employee Training If you’re looking for the […]

Your Board should be helping you look out for the future

Your Board should be helping you look out for the future

Like most small business owners, unless you hit the lottery and started capitalizing your business all by yourself, you probably have some key shareholders who serve on your Board of Directors. You may also be finding that they are increasingly concerned about strategies to assess risk management. Most small businesses tend to overlook risk management […]

Two places where you need risk management planning

Two places where you need risk management planning

If you started your small business with an inheritance, great news! Congratulations. But most likely you have a board of directors; initial investors whose focus is on the long term success of the company, on strategies for future growth and protection of their investment. Part of their concern will be threats and risks to the […]

Is your Board addressing these two issues?

Is your Board addressing these two issues?

We’ve been talking about how your Board and shareholders have a vested interest in understanding and overseeing how your company will defend itself against the effects of cybercrime. Here are two more areas where you will need to have plans and your board should be focused on how they will be handled Data Loss Unless […]

Social media: it gets stale fast. Be careful.

Social media: it gets stale fast. Be careful.

It is time to understand the importance of social media and your responsibility to maintain your presence on whatever sites you select. Social media is ultimately special because of its interactive nature. Your clients and prospects can post questions, observations, and remarks (both good and bad). Because of this, it is important that you consistently […]

Why social media?

Why social media?

We’ve been talking about social media as a good way to market if you’re a small business. Facebook, in particular, can be useful not just as a marketing tool, but as a platform that can serve as your website. If you don’t have a website, Facebook offers a way to have a “faux” website. It […]

Social media; A quick website solution

Social media; A quick website solution

Pay any attention to social media. Think it’s just a pastime to use up your monthly data allotment? Well, it can be just that. But it can also be a good marketing tool, especially for a small business that has a limited budget for marketing. For many very small operations, sometimes even building a website […]