
Canuel Caterers

Canuel Caterers Canuel Logo

Canuel Caterers was started 27 years ago by two entrepreneurial brothers with the ambitions of starting up a company that would rival other large, multi-national food service providers in Canada. Canuel has 45+ school accounts combined in the Lower Mainland and the Interior of British Columbia in addition to multiple corporate accounts. Supported by a […]

Don’t let hurricanes blow your data away!

Don’t let hurricanes blow your data away!

“Life is not about sheltering yourselves from the rain, it is about learning to dance in the storm”, goes a popular saying. But, if you are a small business, you first need to shelter your assets from the rain, before you can afford to dance in the storm without a care in the world. Hurricanes, […]

Why IT Management Matters For Today’s Businesses


A Webinar on IT Management, SaaS Protection & Cloud Continuity Business downtime is much more common than you may think. Every business faces the risk of business interruption every day, from an employee clicking on something that they shouldn’t have, hardware failure, the list just goes on and on. There are ways to protect your […]

Social media at work…what could go wrong?

Social media at work…what could go wrong? 5 Lesser known benefits of choosing the co-managed IT model

As a business, there is no doubt today that you need to make your presence felt on major social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn. But social media also exposes you to cybercriminals. In this post we talk about the steps you can take to ensure your social media account doesn’t become […]

Multi-Factor Authentication 101

Multi-Factor Authentication 101 Multi-Factor Authentication 101

You have probably already come across the term multi-factor authentication. The concept is not new, but has caught on really quick of late. In this post, we will discuss what multi-factor authentication is and why you should be adopting it. What is multi-factor authentication? Multi-factor authentication is basically the use of more than one credential […]

Do your homework: 3 things to do when looking for an MSP

Do your homework: 3 things to do when looking for an MSP co-managed_IT

Thinking of hiring a Managed Service Provider, but not sure how to go about it? Here are a few things to do before you zero in on one. Figure out what you have already The first step in a good plan is to figure out where you stand currently. Before you talk to an MSP, […]

5 Lesser known benefits of choosing the co-managed IT model

5 Lesser known benefits of choosing the co-managed IT model co-managed_IT

Even companies with IT staff on their payroll can’t deny having an MSP onboard offers benefits that exceed what they get from having just an in-house team. This blog explore 5 lesser known reasons why the co-managed IT model is popular. An extra hand during emergencies In the event of any unforeseen emergency such as […]

Four reasons to opt for the co-managed IT services model

Four reasons to opt for the co-managed IT services model co-managed IT

Co-managed IT services model is one in which the business has its own IT team, but still contracts with an external managed services provider for certain services. In this blog we discuss four benefits of a co-managed IT services model. Expertise Your in-house IT team may not have all the expertise needed to manage all […]

Best practices for data safety in a remote work environment

Best practices for data safety in a remote work environment Cybersecurity in a post pandemic world

Do you have staff working from home? Of late, due to the Coronavirus crisis a lot of businesses shifted to the remote working environment. While it raises some data security concerns, they can be overcome by following a few best practices. Formulate rules You can start by formulating rules that define the extent and manner […]

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